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Spanning Berkshire and surrounding areas

Volvo Software Services
Software upgrades / module reloads
Install the latest available software for your volvo or enjoy a newly activated feature
Software reloads on current/replaced modules
Key programming
(Most platforms/models supported)
ECU remaps and engine optimizations
Top-quality, reliable and dyno tested Volvo remap
Up to 80% increase in power on factory restricted engine variants
Improved fuel economy of up to 20%
Option to disable emission system if requested
Software warranty and 30-days money back policy
CEM configuration changes and retrofits support (TFT speedometer, start/stop disable, region conversions and many other feature activations)
MOST / ITP Disable
(for audio system retrofits or replacement of any module
on the MOST network i.e. IAM, AUD, ICM/IHU, etc.)

Mobile or remote diagnostic/software support
(including VIDA, Vdash, P3tool)
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